IPRBerlin Consult


Holger Behm

Digital Solutions

Your guide for education companies through the jungle of digital solutions

Foreign Licenses

Your entrance into the international publishing market for buying and selling licenses


Your competent contact person for international co-editions and co-operations

Mergers & Acquisitions

Your experienced adviser in the area of international company purchases and sales


Anticipating important developments

Whether you are looking for digital solutions, planning licensing agreements with foreign companies, looking for co-operation partners worldwide or want to increase your international presence, IPRBerlin Consult will accompany you competently and success-oriented through all the required processes as well as support you in positioning yourself in a forward looking way.

To find the tailor-made solution for my client, choose the appropriate tone in negotiations and reach the desired result when signing the contract is the winning formula of my business activities. Recognizing the nuances during negotiations and incorporating them into the contracts without compromising the position of either contract partner is the feature of a successful consultation.

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